Monday, June 6, 2011

USC and Ohio State comparison in Bleacher Report

Fascinating reading in the fan-built Bleacher Report, comparing USC's penalties and what to expect for Ohio State, only to end it - exactly as I would - by noting that the NCAA passed a new interpretation of the bylaws on April 28, that removes precedence from any future case.  For all the violations that we know occurred at Ohio State, the fact of the matter is, the NCAA has absolved its employees for any future sins, allowing them to lightly slap OSU on the hands, instead of matching the penalties handed down to USC.

And anyway, I love these quotes:

"Citing the number of compliance officers at USC as a reason for loss of institutional control is a cop out and indicative of how little proof they had of any actual lack of control on USC's part."

"The NCAA is not interested in reality. They want to see compliance as theater. Ohio State has always put on a show and USC didn't."
Kinda makes a fella laugh.  Noticed though, that Dan Weber over at USCFootball hasn't uttered much in the way of Todd McNair's lawsuit and recent revelations of Ohio State's troubles.

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