Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Google Offers...some early thoughts.

Sorting through the Google Offers in Portland, OR (not that there's any other city where it's available), it's clear that food, coffee and bars are far more popular than health and beauty services.  I have to agree...I prefer drinking coffee and eating food over going to the dentist or going to a spa.

Don't get me wrong: I really like the dental techs - young, cute females - and my dentist is pretty hip and awesome, but you never really get good news at the dentist; you only get bad news, really bad news, or relief from knowing that there was no change in the status of your teeth.  Same goes for doctors: their version of good news is that you're not sick.  When the status quo is good news, it tends not to motivate one to make regular visits. "John, I have great news: nothing's wrong with you!"

I hope that Google Offers will focus more on foodie and activities discounts than health and beauty.

BusinessTypepercent savingsnumber purchased
Portland Rose Pedals Pedicabtransportation5026
Malu Day Spabeauty6039
Mt. Tabor Dentalhealth8551
Fulcrum Fitnesshealth8283
Uptown Billiards Clubbar5095
Celebrity Tanbeauty74157
Karam Lebanese Cuisinefood50500
il Piattofood50504
Le Bistro Montagefood60706
Ground Kontrol Classic Arcadegaming90750
Mississippi Studios and Bar Barbar, show651189
Floyd's Coffee ShopCoffee701709

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