Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TDL-4 botnet. This one scares me.

According to this ComputerWorld article, Kaspersky describes a new botnet that is "practically indestructible".  Since late 2010, it has infected 4.5M computers worldwide, with command and control servers located in...take a wild guess.

Some of the C&C server locations by IP.
Part of what makes TDL-4 difficult to even find let alone remove, is that it uses a rootkit to install on the master boot record.  But that's just part of the complexity of the botnet infection.

Geez, I might have to reconfigure my whole ecosystem and stop using Windows machines for browsing the internet.  The internet has just grown so dangerous with people falling for social engineering (phishing) attacks, such that even when you're safe, it's impossible now to trust your friends and family.

1 comment:

Dodgy_Coder said...

Its definitely scary, my post here highlights some further statistics about it, such as an estimated 1.55% (or 1 in 64) infection rate of all PCs in the USA...(!) global stats on TDL-4