Thursday, April 18, 2013

Q1-2013 Nokia results: At least the spin is positive.

Nokia had a nice 27% boost in Windows Phone sales (Lumia), but their total smartphone sales (WP and Symbian combined) was actually down 7.6%, as Symbian sales nosedived.  And what was a small profit last quarter, turned into a small loss for the D-S division.

The 27% increase in Lumia sales could be good news for the Windows Phone platform as it's the first, full quarter of Windows Phone 8 devices availability.  Or it could be cannibalization of the platform, with Nokia taking up marketshare of WP sales, and everyone else sagging -- something worth considering, because Netmarketshare says that WP OS had 1.5% global marketshare of mobile OSes, while Statcounter says that WP is at 1.19%.

To me, they're just treading water at the shallow end of the pool, going nowhere.  To put this into perspective, the other day Google's Chairman of the Board, Eric Schmidt, stated that Android had risen to 1.5M daily activations.  In four days, there are more Androids activated around the world, than are Lumia phones sold by Nokia.

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