Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools 2013: Google Nose Beta, Gmail Blue, and tons more.

It's April 1st, and the pranks have already started!

First, a new way to search: Google Nose Beta.  Try the button.
"Don't ask, don't smell: For when you're wary of your query - SafeSearch included."

We also have Gmail Blue. Just watch the video. I'm pretty sure "Blue" isn't a coincidence, either!

Best prank so far: Google Maps in Treasure Mode. Search the world and find amusing treasures.  Don't forget to check out Street View.

Put a Bird on it, Portland.
Coffee, served by mermaids.

YouTube explains that after 8 years of submissions, they're closing YouTube and announcing the "best of" videos starting April 1st, 9:00 am PDT.

Google Apps now has a Levity Algorithm, which "helps people work better together".

You've heard of Google Fiber? Now there's Google Fiber Poles, bringing fiber to the pole. "Our pole is seriously, the hottest one out there."

Google Australia announced Google SCHMICK (Simple Complete House Makeover Internet Conversion Kit), allowing people to use Street View to makeover their homes.


Google Japan has -- again!?! -- a new input system for native language: Google Japanese Input Patapata Version. What's "Patapata"? It's the Japanese representation of the sound of tapping.

Hint: turn on the closed captioning in the video, and start laughing!

Twitter's blog announces a new, two-tier system. The basic tier (free) only include consonants, while the paid tier includes vowels.

And yes, ThinkGeek has got a bevy of new gags, including "Aliens Chestbuster-in-a-can", "BMO Interactive Buddy" and a few others.

Android Police has quite a few more April Fools gags listed, as well as some Easter Eggs.

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