Monday, April 8, 2013

Bought myself an REI folding bike.

Well, I placed my order, just minutes before the 20% off one item coupon had expired.  (Love those coupons by the way...a few times a year they have those 20% off one item coupons.)

This REI Novara FlyBy folding bike has a Shimano Nexus 7 internally-geared hub, so there are fewer parts for the "chain" to get entangled with, and requires very little maintenance.  Best of all, it's made by Dahon, and, a matching Dahon bike costs $799.

With the 20% off coupon, it cost just $479.

By comparison, Citizen Bike's folding Alhambra bike with a Nexus 3 internally-geared hub (3 gears) cost $399, but after shipping / handling, costs $438.  Essentially for another $41 I got an extra four gears, and the REI is just a few blocks from me.  I'd been staring a very long time at the Citizen Bike models, but I couldn't get past the limited 3-gear hub.  In real life, I would use much more than 3 gears.

So what's not to get excited about buying a Dahon bike with an internal 7-gear hub for $479?

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