Monday, April 15, 2013

Google Offers / Maps screw ups.

I don't get it.  I'm subscribed to Google Offers in Portland, but when I click on some national offers, they serve me up Nampa, ID addresses, all because my home ISP's IP address, for whatever reason, tracks back to Nampa.

So naturally I clicked on the Google Maps to get walking directions from Portland to Nampa Idaho, out of good fun (again, just more procrastination from doing my taxes).  It's all good on US26, right up until past Warm Springs, where Maps suggests that I get off US26 and take a couple of Forest Service roads and trails, instead.  After getting back onto US26, it later directs me to take a private logging road (Ellingson Lumber) as a shortcut, and then in Idaho, it points me to a shortcut through the Rotary Park in Caldwell Idaho, which closes at night.

By the way, it says it'll take 137 hours to walk their route.

I tried Bing, but Bing said, "Walking directions are not available for a route of this length. Try driving directions instead."

No, dammit, I want to walk for 137+ hours!

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