Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome / приветствие / Begrüßung

The thing about the world wide web is that it wide.  Contrary to a fear of being overdue for a global war, the internet brings us closer together, allowing us to see how others around the world think.  Words, not weapons.

I bring this up, because upon looking at my meager blog's traffic from this past month, apparently many of you who casually read it, come from Russia, Germany and the UK.  (Wait, was that the medal count at the Summer Olympics? -- heh!)

Also, I noticed that a number of you use Linux.  I say kudos to you folks, the ever-growing number of people who use Linux; I hope to join your ranks later this year or so, if I ever get around to building a computer using the case of an old Dell Inspiron.

I don't know why you'd be interested in my blog, and frankly, I thought I'd use this blog to flesh out my ideas about things that interest me, and to eventually put them in a book about my thoughts (thanks, Amazon, for a self-publishing platform!).

Thanks for reading; I hope it was useful in some small way.

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