Monday, February 25, 2013

Nom, nom, love me some Ikea meatballs!

I make fun of the spreading horse meat scandal in the EU, of course.  But in all seriousness, I still love Ikea meatballs, here in the US. Of course here in the US, we have the USDA and Ikea's meatballs here come from the US, not from the EU.

Although I think we should recall that Republicans seeking to restore defense sequester cuts, wanted to double the discretionary spending cuts.  And of course, you know what that means: slashed USDA funding.

One might even conclude that Republicans care more about killing people under the guise of defense, than whether or not horse meat gets into our beef supply. Or to be concise, Republicans do care about whether there is horse meat in the US food supply chain, but they don't want to pay for regulations and inspections that would prevent horse meat from getting into the US food supply chain.

Or cat meat.

Or dog meat.

Or road kill.

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