Friday, February 1, 2013

Grand Jury subpoena.

Went in to testify as a witness last week, for that prior week's incident where I witnessed a guy smashing windows in the Pearl District.  I know that because I saw the incident, I'm an important witness, even though there was another guy further away who had been following him and called the police before I did.  The prosecuting attorney talked about how defense attorneys like to play games and reschedule court dates, in an attempt to discourage witnesses from showing up, thereby gaining leverage in the case.

That stinks on two levels.  One, that witnesses would walk away, letting a defendant get away with a crime.  Second, defense attorneys shouldn't be wasting the time of people; they're wasting your taxpayer dollars on their own fees (court-appointed attorneys), as well as the judge's and the DA's.

I understand that a defense attorney's job is to afford their client the best defense possible, or that there might be extenuating circumstances beyond the attorney's control, but I do know one thing: I will show up and I will not be discouraged, even if the trial gets postponed a dozen times.

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