Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Internets lighting up: Todd McNair v. NCAA

Looks like things are about to heat up.  Two things have apparently happened in the last three weeks:
  • The NCAA lost its attempt to block Todd McNair from gaining access to all emails and correspondence related to the Reggie Bush case.  Nothing to hide, right, so why the vigorous defense against evidence discovery?  They were trying to block all other materials related to the Reggie Bush case, but that which had not specifically mentioned Todd McNair's name.
  • The second event is that the LA judge presiding over the matter ruled that Todd McNair's lawyers can go ahead and get Paul Dee's deposition in Florida, rather than in California.
My guess is that we haven't heard the last of the NCAA's objections.  They'll try to block any of Paul Dee's notes / emails that could otherwise show that Dee had insisted that the COI excessively punish USC and Todd McNair without sufficient evidence.

I mean really, you've got to hand it to the NCAA for fooling the media into believing the lie that they have a transparent and fair process, only to push for opaqueness in the court room!

If McNair's trial reveals some Paul Dee dark secrets, the NCAA may suffer its own crippling, ethical crisis, eh?

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