Friday, March 2, 2012

Korean Pop - Kara.

This past New Year's Eve, my BFF and I were watching the NHK Red and White Festival, and this Korean-Pop girl group called Kara came on.  One of the singers reminded me of this girl that I hung out with a little, while in high school, which is to say, I wish we would have hooked up, but she was from a different school, a year younger, and we had different levels of educational goals.  Anyway, this particular song is rather catchy, and I thought I'd do a search on Google Music to see if they had them -- nope.

Anyway, love Asian-Pop but too bad there isn't much on Google Music.  Oh, and if any Google Music rep reads this, can you pop some Natsuko Aso songs on there, too?  I'd really love to be able to buy some of these albums and songs, but they're not available for download on Amazon, and the import CD prices are crazy expensive if available at all.

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