Monday, March 12, 2012

Creating your own icons.

It's not that hard:

  1. Edit images -- if you want transparent backgrounds, delete the background from the image -- then save as .png file, max dimensions 72pixels x 72pixels at 72dpi.
  2. Go to and have it converted.
  3. Save the .ico files to a place that is not in the way -- I created a folder called "ICOs" in my documents folder library.
  4. Right click over an item and go to properties --> customize --> change folder icon, and point to the .ico file.
  5. If you want to change the icon of your desktop items such as "computer", "network" or your trash can, in Windows7 you would right-click over the desktop then select "personalize" and choose "change desktop icons", and so on.
When you're creating icons that appear in your browser's tab -- see the doggie in this page? -- it's almost the same, except it gets saved as "favico.png" and the image size should be 16 pixels x 16 pixels.

My desktop

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