Friday, May 7, 2010

TSA, unprofessional workers.

I had to digest this story and let it sink in for a little bit. At Miami International, a TSA worker was scanned by one of those full body scanners, a year ago during training. Subsequently for the next year, he endured ribbing about the size of his genitalia, and a couple days ago, lost it. He lashed out at a co-worker in the parking lot with a baton, and was arrested and charged with aggravated battery.

Now, obviously if someone goes up to your face and teases you for over a year, that person is begging for a beating, IMO. Consider, that if the guy tells you, "STFU or I'll blow your fucking head off", would you really continue teasing the guy? Well, that's what a witness reported occurred twice in the past, that the guy had warned his taunting co-worker, when trying to get him to stop the teasing.

So I got to wondering if there's more to this story than what is being said in public? I wonder if TSA supervisors at Miami International were complicit in the ribbing, or failed to do anything about it, despite knowing about the workplace harassment?

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