Monday, May 10, 2010

Sketch Up plug-ins.

Yes, there are many; I don't use most of them, however. I hate managing plug-ins. Nonetheless, they are nice shortcuts, and here's a list of them from the Sketch Up [Plugins] Blog.

Picked up this book over the weekend - used - for $24.95.
I was in the bookstore, searching on my G1 to see what online retailers were selling it for, but the prices weren't that much cheaper, and this used book looked to be in better condition than the new one sitting next to it. (In the past 1.5 years since I've had my G1, I've probably saved over $100 by verifying online prices to stuff I find while shopping in the store.)

Was so sunny this weekend, both days. Got a bit red under the eyes from being in the sun so much. I've also decided that I enjoy sitting away from my workstation with the 24" screen, sipping my coffee while working off my 10" netbook, outside on the patio or next to the window, with the sun shining rays down on me. My eyes are doing a lot better on this 10" screen sitting 18" away, than my giant tv screen monitor sitting 12" away.

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