Saturday, May 1, 2010

BP's failure.

Just today, a spokesperson blamed the weather for an inability to effectively stop the oil from spreading out and reaching land.

So, if you understand it the way I do, what BP is saying, is that ONLY UNDER THE MOST FAVORABLE CIRCUMSTANCES, will their best plans work?  Reminds me of the safeguards that were built into the offshore oil platform (blowout preventer) which was supposed to cut off oil from spilling out in case of only under the most favorable circumstances, apparently (as in, no blowout).

And to be honest, the Feds did not respond fast enough to mobilize the infrastructure, in case the oil did spread. Who did not worry about oil spreading into the Gulf when they heard that the rig had fully collapsed?  Apparently the Feds weren't that concerned, because you know, BP was telling them that they had everything under control.  That's like asking banks if everything is under control, and the banks responding back, yeah, you betcha!  Wait a minute...   :-(

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