Sunday, May 16, 2010

My current reading list.

Yeah, not much of a fiction reader.  I get my SciFi on, at SyFy, or more accurately, on SyFy via Hulu.  I get the rest of my fiction from Netflix.  Escapism for the chronically ADHD; 2 hours or so.  If they had Cliff Notes for some of the non-fiction books, I'd read that instead; most authors are simply verbose.  I can't tell you how many times I've come across non-fiction books where the author repeats the same concept over and over; at that point, I usually don't finish the book.  To tell the truth, Fooled By Randomness is starting to track that way.  I put it down for the past three months now, and I'll eventually pick it up again, but after reading the first 3 chapters, the basic premise has already been presented and explained.

I guess 100-page books don't sell well, or for very much, huh?  Honestly, I never cared much for reading long literature; I've always had a preference for poetry.  I blame my English teachers in middle and high schools.  Reading became a chore, and I hate doing my chores.  (Rebel)

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