Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Hurt Locker producer doesn't want you to watch his movie.

Recently, it was reported that Voltage Pictures had signed on with a private venture company called US Copyright Group (isn't that misleading, as if it's tied to the government?) and was prepared to file thousands of lawsuits against people who had downloaded their movie, The Hurt Locker.

A fella from Toronto shot off an email to the producer of the movie at Voltage Pictures, a Mr. Nicolas Chartier voicing his displeasure and subsequent boycott of The Hurt Locker.  Mr. Chartier, already something of a loose bolt that was banned from the Oscars this past year, responded by critiquing people who should voice an opinion contrary to his. Some highlights from his email:
  • I'm glad you're a moron who believes stealing is right.
  • I hope your family and your kids end up in jail one day for stealing so maybe they can be taught the difference.
  • Until then, keep being stupid, you're doing that very well.
  • And please do not download, rent, or pay for my movies, I actually like smart and more important HONEST people to watch my films.
And of course, Mr. Chartier ended his email with his regular digital signature (pre-assigned text/images at the tail of an email for a template):
best regards,
Nicolas Chartier
Voltage Pictures, LLC
Now, aren't you glad that you're not as smart as Mr. Chartier?

Suffice to say, I now have name recognition of the smartest guy in the world and the company he represents.

via Boing Boing

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