Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A good liar is a smart kid?

Or something like that.  Researchers have determined that kids who are good at lying, have surpassed a developmental milestone that enables them to demonstrate considerable cognitive abilities.  Parents, instead of being distressed, should instead be assured that their children are growing up, and that it is a normal process.

But what's really humorous, is reading the comment section in the SF Chronicle, where people, lacking strong cognitive abilities themselves, immediately follow each other into critiquing good liars as politicians and business people.  I would think that, the best liars are the ones you never catch in the act, you know?  Lying is not easy to do; we express our lies through body language that can be detected; in order to lie, you have to fabricate an entire story with a plausible outcome and reasoning.

WSJ via the SF Chronicle

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