Thursday, June 15, 2017

Rosenstein's Statement on Leaks -- Is it a Trap?

Earlier tonight, images were popping up everywhere of a bizarre statement released by DAG Rod Rosenstein, seemingly unprompted. It has left many to believe that someone will post an explosive story very soon. It could also be in reference to this BuzzFeed series of stories looking into Russian assassinations in Britain.

The highest probability is that an explosive leak just occurred and a story has been written and offered up to Rosenstein for comment. This one makes a lot of sense because damaging leaks seem to occur right after Donald vents with unsubstantiated allegations.

But what if it was a mole hunt? What if Rosenstein sent these out to track the paths of their dissemination to see how those paths worked? What if Russian hackers spoofed DAG and sent them out as a PDF, and people unwittingly opened them, quietly unleashing a previously unknown Trojan?

It's hard to tell if it's a trap without knowing more of what was actually received by journalists -- note that Justice's website and DAG have not officially posted any such statement on the DOJ's website. But there are six different image posts of the text that people have so far posted, each of them with verbatim matching statements but they're all slightly stylistically different. There are innocent reasons why this might naturally occur, but without access to the original files, one can't say for sure if the reason for the discrepancy is innocent or deliberate.

See for yourself:

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