Tuesday, June 13, 2017

5 Thoughts for June 13, 2017

  1. Christopher Ruddy: You should watch NewsMax's Christopher Ruddy's interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour. Unlike Sebastian Gorka, he doesn't immediately come off as a jerk. Nonetheless, he's obviously spinning through the generous use of hypocrisy. Ruddy's a better communicator than Sean Spicer, too. Yet, he offered up the suggestion that Donald was considering firing Robert Mueller.
  2. Least-Worst Choice: Most people will make a simple risk assessment between choices and select the least-worst choice. If that's the case with Donald, then his latest apparent tactic to go after special counsel Robert Mueller seems to highlight just how large the skeletons must be in Donald's closet. As he embraces authoritarian actions, his deepest support -- those who strongly support Donald -- erodes.
  3. Russia: Have you seen the anti-corruption demonstrations in Russia? In Russia, Putin has absolute control and 80% approval numbers, but if you watch the size and breadth of protests, it's difficult to reconcile the disparities between the protests and Putin's popularity. Will they continue to grow? For the time being, it seems that the harder they push down on opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the bigger the protests.
  4. Donald's Losses Piling Up: Inside, Donald must be burning up with anger. Once again, the 9th Circuit Appeals upheld (this time, unanimously) the suspension of the 90-day travel ban. This comes a week after the 4th Circuit also upheld the suspension of the 120-day ban on refugees. I don't see why SCOTUS would want to take on the ban when two separate courts have ruled to suspend the ban.
  5. Donald's Cabinet Meeting: I didn't have the chance to comment on it earlier, but I happened to watch it and it was anything but normal. It was one-third eye-rolling, one-third cringing, and one-third ROTFLOL. He began the meeting by speaking for 15 minutes talking about himself, making all sorts of weird assertions. That was followed up with a round table of praises from his cabinet, starting from opposite of his seat going clockwise. I've never seen a room full of adults embarrass themselves so thoroughly. I strongly urge the mocking of his cabinet, asking them individually, "Did you run out of ChapStick from all that ass-kissing?"

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