Monday, June 5, 2017

How Dumb Can Donald Be?

This morning may go down as the day that Donald earned his stripes as the dumbest President, ever, in the history of the United States.

Sure, months ago we already knew that he was the dumbest President, ever, but today is an especially cringe-worthy (or ROTFL) moment worthy of high honor in the halls of stupidity. Let's count the ways of stupid, shall we?

  1. He just told SCOTUS that his EO is moot as he's already established his "extreme vetting".
  2. He actually thinks that the EO he rescinded can be restored by asking the DoJ to bring it up in front of SCOTUS for review.
  3. In any event, he explained to us, contrary to what the DoJ argued, that revisions to his initial EO was not about its ability to pass muster with the US Constitution, but to meet political correctness, in which case it remains just as unconstitutional as the original EO.
  4. He just confirmed what he previously lied about, that his EO is a travel ban.
ROTFL -- what a great way to start the week!

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