Saturday, August 31, 2013

Walking Dead Season 3 on Netflix DVDs

Just finished watching Season 3 of Walking Dead, from my Netflix DVD queue, and I found it refreshing, compared to Season 2.  It renewed my interest in WD, whereas at the end of the second season I was ready to drop the show.

Last season, every other person had a five minute soliloquy to deliver, and lots of seemingly sane people did the dumbest things.  This season, the soliloquy has been limited to a minute, and the most-annoying (but humane) character, ironically, is Andrea.  Ironic, because she replaced Dale as the most-annoying (but humane) character, who saved Andrea at the end of Season 1 from committing suicide, only to end Season 3...well, you know how these writers work.  "All I wanted to do was save everyone" Andrea got a lot of people killed.

That's being a little harsh I suppose.  Andrea took over Dale and sought to maintain the soul of humanity, only to be fooled by the facade of Woodbury's normal life.  Whereas Rick doesn't trust anyone, Andrea trusted everybody.  Hershel seems like the most balanced person, excepting Season 2's reality check of his not-so-bright idea of keeping walking dead kin in a barn.

I do have two suggestions for the show: Bring Glenn's twisted humor back, and get a better FX house.  Glenn's character was indispensable because of his rote humor in the constant face of death.  Nobody buys into Hershel's leg -- you can still see it, and can tell that they green-screen / rotoscoped it out.

Best new character: Michonne the kick-ass swordswoman.
Most likely to save the world: Judith, Rick's baby girl.
The you-can-be-my-wing-guy-any-day guy: Daryl.
You can trust me (no you can't): The Governor.