Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ethics, Morals and More: Syrian Intervention.

Just a quick post.

Ethics being of written laws and morals being of social laws, it my be ethically wrong for an outside nation to launch an attack into Syria, even if that attack was directed towards chemical weapons facilities, as there is no written actionable rule within the UN International Law.  But it's probably immoral to stand by and let people suffer from chemical weapons attacks, when one has the power and means to limit them.

Of late, people have written that intervention of any sort may be ironic, should it lead to more deaths at the hands of the Assad regime.  Well then, suffice to say the American military's "leave no man behind" dogma must therefore too, be thrown out.  Far more deaths and casualties resulted from sending in the 442nd to save Texas' Lost Battalion in World War II, than the lives saved.

I bet if your father was a member of the Lost Battalion, you're probably thankful that the 442nd was sent in.  Conversely if you lost your father who was a member of the 442nd, resulting from the campaign to save the Lost Battalion, you might be a little less sanguine.

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