Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Manziel: NCAA burning with hypocrisy.

Call it for what it is: The NCAA is the lesser dog of the SEC.  I don't think we've ever seen a clear-cut case of bias as the NCAA has shown, the last five years.

The NCAA came to an agreement with Texas A&M to suspend Johnny Manziel for 30 minutes in their first game.  This despite the public showing of proof that Manziel took the money for his autographs.

So we now have two SEC cases (Manziel and Newton) where the NCAA has moved swiftly to excuse players, but then we have the NCAA's willingness to wait for several years in the Reggie Bush case.  Heck, they took two years to grind through the Oregon case.

The lesson learned: If you want to avoid sanctions, join the SEC.  (Or leave the NCAA.)

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