Sunday, August 11, 2013

Chromecasting: Dance like it's the 80s

Still doing more Chromecasting, and I'm still building more music video playlists on YouTube.  This weekend, it's my, "Dance like it's the 80s" playlist.

It's 64 videos good for 4 hours or so, of the sort of dance music I grew up dancing that brought a smile to my face.  Fair warning though: Dance music transitioned from happy dance in the early 80s to an R&B / rap dance; it's more or less a timeline of that transition.

It starts and ends with the B52s: Rock Lobster and Love Shack.

Yeah, it's missing Prince, but that's because Prince doesn't want anything to do with YouTube, to the point that he took down a mother's video of her child running around with "Let's Go Crazy" playing in the background on the radio...only to back off, after she sued.  So uh, no Prince.  Sorry.

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