Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mitt plays both sides of auto bailouts, contradicts himself.

Desperation is seriously kicking in for Team Mittens.

Today, Mitt's team has released an advert talking about how the auto bailouts resulted in job losses at dealerships.  Of course this is the same bailout that Mitt congratulated Obama on, this past February.  

Amusingly, Mitt deliberately offers up a contradiction of his previous criticism that the auto bailout was too big, and that free markets are efficient.  By virtue of criticizing the Obama Administration for not bailing out the auto dealers, he's arguing that the bailout wasn't big enough.  By suggesting that auto dealer jobs should have been maintained despite, at the time, a rapidly shrinking demand for new vehicles, is to go against the basic supply-demand principle.

Inherently, Mitt is arguing for a labor oversupply that would have purposely distorted costs, and would have forced GM and Chrysler into liquidation bankruptcy.  Meanwhile, the Cash 4 Clunkers program -- a demand-based incentive -- proved successful in helping remaining dealerships and the automakers grow their employment and reverse their bottom line.

Frankly, I'm certain that Mitt would have also created a Cash 4 Clunkers program, were he voted into office, because it is the responsible thing to do.  But this highlights the fact that...

Mitt will say anything to get into office.

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