Monday, August 27, 2012

Even Republicans think Obama will win...shh TV media's mum!

This is truly humoring the latest Gallup poll, even people who would pick Mitt over Barack, seem to believe that Barack Obama will win.

Some news are reporting that Obama and Romney are suddenly now in a statistical dead heat; I guess these people don't look at too many polls.  Statistically speaking, most of the past four months the race has been spent in a statistical dead heat, but as an aggregate of all national polls, Obama has never relinquished the lead.

I've also heard on TV that Obama's got a ceiling on his numbers, having never broken 50%.  That was also true in 2008, up until the debates in October, yet Obama won in November by over 5 percentage points.

And he's outperforming Bush in 2004.  Of course, most of the media doesn't want to let you know about this, otherwise it might end up becoming a dull election season.

But I think my favorite, new etch-a-sketch tactic of the campaign, is for Team Mittens to insist that people shouldn't be turned off by Mitt's personality.  Kay Bailey Hutchinson now tells us that we don't have to like Mitt to vote for him, while Mitt himself has trotted out the Popeye Defense saying, "I y'am what's I y'am, and that's all what's I y'am."

There was no bounce for adding Ryan; hurricane Isaac will negate any bounce from the GOP convention; Obama will win somewhere between 5~10 percentage points, bottom line.  One more etch-a-sketch moment from the GOP convention (and I suspect another will occur during the debates), won't change how people see Mitt and his threat to turn America into a plutocracy.

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