Friday, August 3, 2012

A hammer blow???

Mitt was convinced that Friday's jobs report was critically important, that he issued a dire warning that, "today's increase in the unemployment rate is a hammer blow to struggling middle-class families."

It was a hammer blow, people!  It wasn't a gut-check, but a hammer blow!

So of course, the Dow Jones Industrials Index posted its 4th highest points increase this year.

Date Open Close Gain
6/6/2012 12125 12414.79 289.79
6/29/2012 12604.6 12880.09 275.49
3/13/2012 12953.2 13177.68 224.48
8/3/2012 12884.82 13096.17 211.35

And then the Intrade Prediction Market pushed Obama up 0.4 points on Friday.

Either the markets are thrilled that the middle-class just got a hammer blow, or they think Romney's talking BS.

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