Wednesday, February 22, 2012

With age comes change.

And by change, I'm not talking about the loose change that seemingly collect in the front pants pockets, only to be mysteriously lost during the day.

Tastes change.

I noticed it about a decade ago when the thought of watermelon-flavored Jolly Ranchers - aka sugar crack for kids - lost its appeal.  Instead, Belgian chocolates with finely ground hazelnuts were now part of my lexicon and I was not giving back my chocolate truffles.

This week I had a similar epiphany.

Instead of the typical desire for Pinot Grigio, Pinot Blanc, Riesling, Muscat or Gewurztraminer (never had much love for Chardonnay), I went for Merlot.  The not-quite 2-Buck Chuck Merlot (Charles Shaw from Trader Joe), that is.  And it seems that the darker, fuller flavor with tannins, is quite appropriate in Winter, and the skies are dark.  Sorta like drinking stout beer in the Winter -- it feels hardy and hearty.

I think next time I'm buying the Cabernet Sauvignon, though.  Oh, but I'm through with the days of paying $20 for a bottle of Cab.

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