Monday, February 13, 2012

Entrepreneur refutes Romney.

In my obtuse way, at least one entrepreneur is refuting Mitt Romney's claim that his VC - Bain Capital - created jobs.  Via Felix Salmon, entrepreneur Tamara Mellon tweets, "Remember – Its entrepreneurs that create jobs, not Private Equity or Investment bankers."

Don't you feel just a bit uneasy when a venture capitalist claims to have directly created jobs?  After all, if a VC is allowed to make such claims, then perhaps we should be placing the CEOs of all banks, up on a pedestal, for having "created" millions of jobs in the US?

Obviously that won't happen, given the too-big-to-fail bailouts.  And therein you get the point: banks enable, but entrepreneurs are the real creators and innovators.  Same thing goes for venture capitalists.

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