Saturday, February 25, 2012

HATE the Supreme Court's conservative turn.

Two examples:

2010: Overturning of the McCain-Feingold Act and other prior, decades-old decisions have left this current election cycle (and beyond) to witness massive increases in corporate spending via political action committees.  By allowing corporations to speak freely with billions of dollars in political ad spending, the America we knew will become further distorted between the haves and have-nots, as regulations and criminal laws are changed to benefit corporations over individuals.

2007: Overturning of a 96-year old antitrust law written under the Sherman Act, that prevented vertical controls, the US Supreme Court allowed minimum advertised price (MAP) controls by manufacturers over sellers.  I've written about this evil before, with Nikon requiring authorized sellers to stick to MAPs, and this evil, anticompetitive tactic is spreading, including companies like Montague Bike.

This is bull shit, and here's why:

Each of those conservative appointees spoke in front of Congress, under questioning, specifically stating that they would respect settled law.  Except, this isn't what's happening here.  They are overturning decades or near-century old laws and decisions, to suit their ideology.

United States, a subsidiary of Corporate America, thanks to the conservatives in the SCOTUS.

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