Tuesday, February 14, 2012

US Catholic Bishops: Life ain't that precious.

This is going to be a whopper, and I'm not using hyperbole.

Reuters is reporting that the US Catholic Bishops are "lobbying Congress to enact a law that would let any employer opt out of covering any medical treatment he disagreed with as a matter of his personal faith."

In other words, they're giving employers the right to make medical decisions of what is and isn't important to them, under the guise of religious freedom.  No need for vaccinations, because your employer insists it's not befitting his or her religious (guise) beliefs.  No need for treatment, because your employer insists that faith and prayer is all you need.

You see where this is going, don't you?

America is going to fall apart at the seams as medical spending explodes because people get sick over preventable diseases which EMPLOYERS rejected coverage over, under the guise of religious freedom.  Suffering from Avian Influenza that kills -- prayer will save you?  (But what about all the other people you infected?)

The US Catholic Bishops are wrong, and they will end up having a hand in helping kill hundreds of thousands of innocent humans, and millions more around the world.  I shudder to think how Saint Damien would respond to word that the US Catholic Bishops would find it acceptable to not medically treat someone suffering from leprosy.

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