Saturday, February 15, 2014

Poko Pang Animal distribution chart.

I thought, now that I've maxed out on both levels (100) and attack power (90), eventually I'd just keep grabbing tons of cherries and push my animal power up.  Turns out Line's got other stop me from reaching the end of the game and defeating all the monsters.

I have just two monsters left to beat, but the Poko Pang game just won't let me power up my best animals.  Some 30+ animal call ups after maxing out on my attack power and levels, and I've only grabbed one gold-level animal.  So, to show how skewed the distribution chart is, and to prove that they're lying when they say that the process is random, I give you all 245 call ups in this chart below.

Obviously it is extremely skewed to the bottom tier of animals.  I'm giving it another month before I call it quits.  I should also explain that many of the other Line games have issues, too.  I don't know if they do this on purpose, but I suspect that they give preference to Asian players.

Oh, and if you're wondering, my top score is below.

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