Friday, January 6, 2012

Iran force-fed some humble pie

The US Navy rescued 13 Iranian fishermen whose boat was captured by pirates, and who were subsequently held hostage for over a month, according to news reports.

Which of course means that I must come up with a hypothetical conversation:
Iranian fishermen wives to the Grand Ayatollah: "Our husbands have been missing, please search for them!" 
Grand Ayatollah: "No.  We must hunt for infidels and threaten them!" 
Fishermen wives: "We are poor and we love our husbands.  Please search for them!" 
Grand Ayatollah: "No!  If they have done no wrong, Allah will save them!" 
USN to Grand Ayatollah: "We saved 13 Iranian fishermen."
Grand Ayatollah to USN: "Allah is great!  Now you infidels must leave our waters, or by Allah's hand we will strike you from this Earth!"
USN to Grand Ayatollah: "You're welcome?" 

No shortage of embarrassment, that the Iranian military insisted earlier this week that it would easily seal the Strait of Hormuz.  Pirates are laughing.  Heck, everyone's laughing.

Via CBS News, source: US Navy

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