Tuesday, January 3, 2017

This is How Corrupt Republicans Are.

Dozens of investigations spanning two decades going after Hillary have found nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. A big, fat zero. But now that they're in charge of the entire government -- and let's be clear here, they will control all three branches of the "checks and balances" system -- many of them no longer feel constrained to hold to any sort of ethical standard.

In fact, they're now attempting to create a system by which they'll be able to fully apply separate ethical standards on their own members. I wish I were making this up, but it's completely true and it's in writing, directly from the Republican House, a proposed amendment to HR 5.

You can read BuzzFeed News for the details.

Essentially, Republicans would like to...

  • Take full control of an independent investigatory arm -- the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) -- of Congress so that they can...
  • Shut down OCE investigations at their whim...
  • Hide OCE reports from becoming public...
  • Stop the OCE from accepting whistleblower tips...
  • Prevent the OCE from investigating any potential violations prior to January 3, 2011...
  • Stop the OCE from directly forwarding any criminal information to law enforcement.
It is breathtaking at how corrupt these guys are, and while both Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy opposed this amendment, it's pretty clear that there's little in the way of stopping Republicans from corrupting all of government.

Update: Hard to believe that despite all the wringing of hands these past two months, the media continued with its old ways and reported that, as a result of Emperor Donodus' tweets critical of the GOP move, House Republicans have "reversed" their plans.

Firstly, The Emperor's critique was directed at the prioritization of squeezing the blood out of OCE ahead of corporate -- read giveaway -- reform; he wasn't against it at all. Secondly, he said in his tweet that OCE deserved to be gutted. Thirdly, the GOP didn't reverse anything; they tabled the amendment to be studied and rescheduled for an August review, which basically means that they'll try to likely slide it into the 2018 appropriations bill or some continuing resolution.

We have a lot of very sloppy thinkers in America, and these are the ones who accidentally gave us The Emperor. Therefore, everyone, prostrate and repeat after me, "I have sinned, through my own fault, in my thoughts, and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do."

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