Friday, January 6, 2017

Imbecile of the Day, January 6, 2017

There isn't a day that goes by, that some politician says something stupid. Today, we have Representative Chris Collins from NY telling us that The Emperor has all the leverage he needs to force Mexico to repay us for The Wall, or rather, make that The Fence Upgrade:
"When you understand that Mexico's economy is dependent upon US consumers, Donald Trump has all the cards he needs to play...On the trade negotiation side, I don't think it's that difficult for Donald Trump to convince Mexico that it's in their best interest to reimburse us for building the wall."

Here's a sampling -- at your grocery store -- of all the things  which will suddenly go up by as much as 35%, according to The Emperor's threats of tariffs:

But that's not where the tariff ends. American farmers will see prices increase on tractor equipment, too. Even your local bakery, whose commercial supply of chocolate and sugar from Mexico, will have to raise prices. The supply chain is global and slapping a tariff on imports will require American manufacturers to raise their own prices.

Right now, the Mexican government (and others, of course) is probably laughing their asses off at the thought that America would tempt stagflation even as their own trade with China picks up steam.

The Emperor is like Maduro or Rousseff, except that he is our special brand of stupid.

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