Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Little Bit of History

Courtesy of my father's photo collection, here are two historically significant photos from John (Jack) F. Kennedy's visit to Hawai'i in 1963. We do not have the original negatives; all that we have are the darkroom prints which were scanned.

It is highly likely that my father's employer has already digitized and archived these images, even if inaccessible to the public. These two images (and the rest that are in my father's collection) are not publicly available anywhere on the internet -- up until this point, that is.

It is perfectly acceptable to reuse these images non-commercially, but you may not take credit for them or misrepresent them as your content. As they are original prints, I have placed unique "watermarks" that cannot be distinguished without a reference overlay.

JFK speaking at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, 1963

Chair of the JCS, Maxwell Taylor, in Hawaii, 1963

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