Saturday, January 28, 2017

5 Thoughts for January 28, 2017

  1. Chaos: Literally, one cannot go a single day without an eruption of problems or controversies caused by The Emperor. The litany of grievances of un-American actions by our so-called President grows by the hour, with every utterance and stroke of the pen. I have never personally seen anything like this, where such incompetence and willful deception has been either exuberantly celebrated or completely ignored by the cognitively-challenged.
  2. Don't Save The Republicans: I plead with Democrats and others, do not attempt to save the Republicans from themselves; please, let them sink their own ship by the hands of their chosen captain. That is not to say that we should not oppose them -- we should obviously RESIST -- but do not get suckered into helping out Republicans resolve their own problems. If they wish to promote unqualified Michael Browns, let them. If they refuse to impeach The Emperor, let them take that path.
  3. Obamacare: Seven years, and they still haven't figured out the obvious, that the ACA is the market solution they seek. This is why, behind closed doors, we have leaked audio showing that the GOP do not know what they want. Confronted by one's cognitive dissonance is a rather difficult event to come out of without looking like a total fool.
  4. Muslim Ban: Only Republicans could come up with a Muslim ban that they publicly refer to as both a Muslim ban and not-a-Muslim ban. There are several levels of stupid involved here, but none more important than the one that invokes irony. The ban involves seven countries: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Somalia. So let's look at a short list of terrorists:
    • Shoe Bomber, Richard Reid -- Born in UK, white mother, mixed-race (Jamaican) father.
    • Underwear Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab -- Nigerian.
    • Ft Hood Shooter, Nidal Hasan -- Born in the US, Palestinian parents.
    • 9/11 -- Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
    • Boston Marathon Bombers, Tsarnaevs -- Kyrgyzstan.
    • Dirty Bomb, Jose Padilla -- Born in the US, Puerto Rican heritage.
    This is a very short list, but in the long list of attempted and successful terrorist attacks, just a couple of terrorists come from the list of seven countries in The Emperor's EO. That's just the first level of stupid.
  5. The Downward Spiral: We have multiple lawsuits underway, literally, millions protesting around the world and in the US, with many more planned -- May Day will be utter chaos if The Emperor is still in office. Imagine, a man who needs his own cheering section whenever he speaks publicly and has no ability to contain himself. Here's the simple tactic to nudge him further into his downward spiral: Antagonize him. He is incapable of restraining himself from responding. Antagonize him publicly and loudly, then wait to see him devolve into incoherent rants. Are you afraid that he will target you? Do not forget that the US Constitution contains the Equal Protection Clause (Due Process); when he violates it, he provides you the room to sue the US Government to further embarrass The Emperor.

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