Friday, January 25, 2013

Should we boycott Samsung for choosing to import Iranian oil?

I just wanted to point out, that even some of our own friends, are working to undermine the US and our attempts at stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons.  Today, Reuters reported that Samsung-Total, a partnership of France's Total and South Korea's Samsung, announced they would renew a purchase agreement for Iranian oil (which had been previously dropped, following the US and EU sanctions).

Now, I understand nothing exists in black and white in this world, but one would think that, with Iran's weapons slowly gaining ground in reachable distance, it won't be too long before Iranian warheads are capable of reaching Paris.  And, more critically, North Korea has been helping Iran build and test nuclear weapons.  If there were any two nations in the world that should be wary of nuclear weapon proliferation, Israel and South Korea come to mind.

So, should we boycott Samsung for choosing to import Iranian oil?  Or maybe we should weaken sanctions on North Korea, and let SK and NK figure it out on their own?

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