Friday, January 18, 2013

Pointless Netflix saved disc queue.

I used to have a Netflix saved disc queue about 100 discs long, back when my regular disc queue was at about 300 discs.  After a couple of years, I came to realize that even though Netflix allows you to save them to your queue, they have almost no intention of actually getting those discs, except of course, the Hollywood blockbusters which are in the queues of hundreds of thousands of people.

Frustratingly, I encountered several instances where a single disc out of a multi-disc collection was bad, but Netflix never ordered a new disc.  The available discs kept moving up, but the one missing disc was never made available, so I ended up dropping entire shows from my queue, just before they moved to the top.

Why bother even listing shows / movies that you'll never make available?

As soon as my regular queue gets down to about 20 discs, I'm moving over to the 1 disc at a time plan -- I think that'll occur some time in April -- and explore the possibility of getting Hulu+.

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