Sunday, December 30, 2012

The demographics of gun owners in America.

I was looking over Gallup's 2011 gun poll, and it occurred to me that there are some distinct markers for the typical gun owner.

Compare the baseline (add up the first two columns) of gun owners against the demographic with no guns in their household (last column), based on sex, education and party affiliation.  The difference between the baseline and the characteristics below (sex, education, etc) highlights the over-representation or under-representation of specific characteristics of gun owners and no-gun households.

Geolocation can be correlated to political disposition, as well can age and education.  Thus, it seems logical that what the poll is telling us, bottom line, is that Republicans like guns.

How much do Republicans like guns?  Some math:

76% of US population is 18 years old and older.
47% of US population 18 years old and older, own a gun.
315M Americans in the US.
300M guns in the US.

300M / 0.76 * 0.47 * 315M = ~3 guns an average gun owner has.

(If that assault rifle with a 100 bullet magazine can't hit and kill an elk, you need a regular shotgun to shoot it up close as you approach it, but if that fails, the glock on the skull of the elk will surely kill it.)

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