Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I felt that I may have wasted my time.

During my primary and secondary educational experience, not a single person ever talked about social responsibility, in the context of using the gift of intelligence to solve the big problems.

It had been gnawing at me for the last decade, that my chosen profession -- design -- while demonstrative of a society with higher goals (beyond practical labor) and proof of wealth (through an industrious society), does not and can not solve the big problems.

But then I reminded myself that 2% of the population (the cutoff limit of intelligence test scoring that qualifies one to become a member of Mensa) was equal to 140 million very smart people on this planet.

And in truth, life isn't very pleasant without the opportunity to enjoy the little things such as nice foods, clothes, buildings, printed materials, movies, music, etc.

So maybe my time hasn't been wasted.


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