Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is Plan B dead? (Boehner doesn't have the votes)

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!  Boehner is such a loser.  He spent the last 24+ hours talking up how the Republicans were going to pass their "Plan B", only to end up postponing the vote on it, because he doesn't have the votes to pass it!

Talk about egg nog all over your face.

You see, his plan wasn't about compromise; his political posturing was meant to position Republicans such that they wouldn't take a hit for the fiscal cliff.  But his political calculation was off; as I mentioned, what he needs is to get nearly all Democrats on board and pull enough moderate Republicans with him.  He chose to go the other way and appeal to as many members of his own party as possible.  The problem is, Tea Party Republicans will not vote for any perceived tax increase, but most of all they do not want to compromise.

Boehner doesn't get it; he needs Democrats, not Republicans.  He actually has to learn how to compromise, not to push for more partisanship.

But anyway, we're going over the cliff; the Senate won't even take a vote as they're going home for Christmas and won't be back until December 27th; even House Republicans have decided to ignore Boehner and have gone home for Christmas.

True, the fat lady hasn't sung, but Boehner doesn't even understand the dynamics of what he's got, so he'll only waste more time when they come back after Christmas.

The Boehner Dictionary
1. To capitulate.
ex: Democrats refuse to compromise, and therefore Republicans reject any blame for failing to pass a bill.

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