Monday, May 9, 2011

You have to watch "Exit Through The Gift Shop".

It is hilarious!  It's about street art and how frenchman Thierry Guetta turned from being an obsessed guy with a camera, to being obsessed over street art and his own aspirations of creating art.  But in the end, the joke is on the artists whose raison d'etre is turned on its head as they observe Thierry replace critical thinking with marketing, most epically demonstrated by his self-fabricated street name: Mr. Brainwash / MBW.

More central (for me) is that it's Banksy's first film - a documentary - that covers Invader and Shepherd Fairey and Banksy.  There's even a snippet of Swoon.  But it's about Banksy, really, and Banksy is one of the best modern artists out there -- specifically installations.  It just so happens his canvas is the whole world, not some room.

The last lines from Banksy sums it all up:

"I used to always encourage everyone I met to make art; I used to think everyone should do it....I don't really do that so much anymore."

And once you get through the whole film (because of the sequence of events within the movie), the title makes perfect sense.

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