Sunday, May 1, 2011

US kills Osama Bin Laden.

From the day that the twin towers that fell when George Bush was President, we have all been waiting for this day, and it has finally come under Barack Obama.  As Andrea Mitchell at NBC noted, it comes on the 8-year anniversary that George Bush announced "Mission Accomplished".

Irony aside, we can say without reservation, "MISSION FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED".

Though there was an abrupt Presidential announcement scheduled for 10:30 pm EDT with the subject being kept secret, but the word has been leaked out, it will be an announcement that US military forces HAS the BODY of Osama Bin Laden, dead.

And though we mark the end to seeking the perpetrators of 9/11, we shall never forget the innocent lives of people who died, regardless of their race, religious affiliation or politics.

Added: It was a special operations raid, according to NBC, that killed Bin Laden. The news has gone viral across the world: Korea Times, Jerusalem Post, Guardian UK, Toronto Star, Al Jazeera, Brisbane Times.

Added 12:00 midnight EDT: President Obama described the plan as 8 months in the works, and upon verifying all the details and carefully working all the details, he had given the go-ahead.

We, Americans, are seeing our generational V-Day, as impromptu celebrations are occurring outside of the White House and in NYC.

Added 12:15 am EDT: It was not a joint operation, but solely US Special Operations Forces, within a populated area, avoiding collateral damage, and also may have resulted in an intelligence coup with computers and other materials grabbed on the way out.  Navy Seals left from Afghanistan, and the entire operation took 40 minutes.  As if he were attempting to insult Americans, he was living in a palatial mansion at the time that he was killed.

Thousands are now rallying outside the White House.

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