Saturday, April 9, 2011

Video of drive to Fukushima Daiichi -- radiation and surreal landscape.

The radiation shoots up to over 100 μSv/h as they get up to within 1.5km of the Daiichi plant, where they end their trip.  On the way there, they find a few people still inside the exclusion zone, pet dogs roaming loose, and cattle walking across roads.  It's a surreal, post-apocalyptic vision.

(Video from

In other news a moment of hilarity, Iran's state-owned news reports that Iran's nuclear program has capabilities to help out Japan solve the leaking radiation problem.  Laughter subsequently heard all around the world.  Is Iran begging for Stuxnet 2.0?

Update (4/13/11): After seeing the video of pets abandoned and getting requests from people who evacuated without their pets, animal activists are sneaking in and taking on huge personal health risks to help rescue stranded animals.  For whatever reason, these people believed the evacuation would only last a few days (but what about the radiation poisoning of your pets, right?) so they left their animals with just a meager amount of food and water.  I know if it were my dog, I wouldn't leave him behind, period.

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