Friday, April 15, 2011

Arnold Gunderson not impressed with nuclear apologists.

Who is Arnold Gunderson?  He was a former nuclear power executive and is currently the chief engineer of a power consulting company, Fairewinds Associates.  He also advises the state of Vermont on nuclear power.

In an interview published online today (4/15/2011), Arnold Gunderson provides what might be considered scary insight into the Fukushima Daiichi plant, with a reactor by reactor evaluation.  No one is really going to know the truth of what's happened at Fukushima for some time to come, as the radiation is too high to go in and investigate.  But he seems to have a solid grasp of what has possibly already occurred, and what could still transpire.

Typhoon season starts to really kick in, in May.  With an average 17 typhoons and 27 tropical storms a season in the Pacific, surely TEPCO's got contingency plans for that, right?

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