Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Paul Ryan's big lie.

Paul Krugman points out, that Paul Ryan - the reportedly serious budget point man for the Republicans - believes asserts that the nation will reach 2.8% unemployment by 2021, if we follow the Paul Ryan GOP plan.

Then poof, they tried to hide that ludicrous assertion by deleting unemployment projections from the House report.

That folly aside (you can't hide things on the internet), reality is not the same as theoretical projections.  Case in point: when markets heat up and you have full employment, costs go up because employers have no pricing power over labor.  To counter runaway inflation, central banks increase interest rates to tamp down growth.  That in turn, increases unemployment as people slow down consumption due to higher borrowing costs or an inability to access capital.

If you were to believe Paul Ryan (who gets his numbers straight from the conservative Heritage Foundation), this time it's different; this time, we'll get to the promised land if only we listen to the Republicans, because they're able to magically alter the way economics works.

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