Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A reminder: religion is not some sort of badge of honor.

Just because you're Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. does not give you special moral authority; you're just as human as the next chump, and you have to WORK AT BEING MORAL AND GOOD, EVERY DAY.

For example, these two ethnic congregations at this Brooklyn, NY Methodist Church cannot get along, especially their pastors.

As noted by Moshin Hamid in the NYT earlier this month, distrust is high, and civility is rather fragile, barely held together by a covenant between individuals.

But instead of focusing on the spiritual needs of the self, people are wont to concern themselves of the moral failings of others.  Even the threat of being exposed of their hypocrisy is not enough to prevent people from acting or speaking out with their hate.

So I suggest, everyone watch an episode or two, of CBC's "Little Mosque on the Prairie."

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